New Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Student's book. Sarah Cunningham &
Peter Moor
Longman, 2005 - 176 с.
+ Audio 2CD
Cutting Edge is a multi-level
general English course for adults and young adults. Providing a solid foundation
in grammar, vocabulary and skills, Cutting Edge Starter is for complete
beginners or those who need to brush up on the basics before moving on to
elementary level.
Cutting Edge includes these additional key features:
Slow-paced grammar.
Step-by-step approach to grammar builds confidence and accuracy.
High-frequency, useful vocabulary.
Focus on high-frequency, useful words and phrases makes vocabulary easy to
remember and easy to use.
Regular speaking tasks.
Well-structured speaking tasks provide effective, meaningful practice.
Complete teaching programme.
Vocabulary book helps students memorise words and phrases Teacher's Resource
Book with photocopiable activities and tests, plus suggestions and tips on
teaching complete beginners Companion Website with extra resources, web links
and chat facilities.
Format: pdf
Audio 1 (
75 files; wma)
/ zip
78,5 Mb
Audio 2
( 93 files; wma )
/ zip
73,4 Mb
Module 1
All about you page 6
Module 2 Memory page 16
Module 3
Around the world page 26
Module 4 Life stories page 36
Module 5
Success page 48
Module 6
In the media page 60
Module 7
Socialising page 70
Module 8
Things you can't live without page 80
Module 9
Future society page 92
Module 10
An amazing story page 102
Module 11
Rules and freedom page 112
Module 12
Dilemmas page 122
Грамматические темы
Present simple and continuous Asking
and answering questions Настоящее простое и продолженное время
Past simple and continuous Used to Прошедшее простое и продолженное время
Comparatives and superlatives Phrases for comparing Сравнение
Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous and for, since and ago Простое
и продолженное настоящее время группы Perfect
Future forms Future clauses with if, when, etc Будущее время
–ed/-ing adjectives The passive Прилагательные, образованные от глаголов
Страдательный залог Polite requests Will for offers and instant decisions
Making generalizations Вежливые просьбы Использование будущего времени для
выражения предложений и спонтанных решений Обобщения
Defining relative clauses Quantifiers Придаточные предложения
Making predictions Hypothetical possibilities with if Выражение вероятности с
союзом если
Past perfect Reported speech Прошедшее завершенное время группы Perfect
Косвенная речь
Obligation and permission in the present Obligation and permission in the past
Обязанность и позволение в настоящем и прошедшем времени
could have, should have, would have
Imaginary situations in the past with if
Выражение разной степени вероятности событий Воображаемые ситуации в прошлом с
союзом если
New Cutting Edge
Sara Cunningham and Peter Moor
Starter (Первый уровень)
Elementary (Второй уровень)
Pre-Intermediate (Третий уровень)
Intermediate (Четвертый уровень)
Upper-Intermediate (Пятый уровень)