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Biology. Brooker R.J. et al.

5th ed. — McGraw-Hill Education, 2020. — 1442p.

Over the course of five editions, the ways in which biology is taught have dramatically changed. We have seen a shift away from the memorization of details, which are easily forgotten, and a movement toward emphasizing core concepts and critical thinking skills. The previous edition of Biology strengthened skill development by adding two new features, called CoreSKILLS and BioTIPS (described later), which are aimed at helping students develop effective strategies for solving problems and applying their knowledge in novel situations. In this edition, we have focused our pedagogy on the five core concepts of biology as advocated by “Vision and Change” and introduced at a national conference organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.



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About the Authors iv

Acknowledgements v

A Modern Vision for Learning: Emphasizing Core Concepts and Core Skills vi

Preparing Students for Careers in Biololgy with NEW Cutting-Edge Content x

Strengthening Problem-Solving Skills and Key Concept Development with Connect® xiii

Contents xvii
1 An Introduction to Biology 1
Unit I Chemistry 23
2 The Chemical Basis of Life I: Atoms, Molecules, and Water 24
3 The Chemical Basis of Life II: Organic Molecules 45
Unit II Cell 68
4 Evolutionary Origin of Cells and Their General Features 69
5 Membrane Structure, Synthesis, and Transport 106
6 An Introduction to Energy, Enzymes, and Metabolism 127
7 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 145
8 Photosynthesis 164
9 Cell Communication 183
10 Multicellularity 202
Unit III Genetics 219
11 Nucleic Acid Structure, DNA Replication, and Chromosome Structure 220
12 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level I: Production of mRNA and Proteins 243
13 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level II: Non-coding RNAs 266
14 Gene Expression at the Molecular Level III: Gene Regulation 282
15 Mutation, DNA Repair, and Cancer 304
16 The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle, Mitosis, and Meiosis 323
17 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance 348
18 Epigenetics, Linkage, and Extranuclear Inheritance 373
19 Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria 391
20 Developmental Genetics 413
21 Genetic Technologies and Genomics 434
Unit IV Evolution 457
22 An Introduction to Evolution 458
23 Population Genetics 477
24 Origin of Species and Macroevolution 496
25 Taxonomy and Systematics 516
26 History of Life on Earth and Human Evolution 535
Unit V Diversity 560
27 Archaea and Bacteria 561
28 Protists 581
29 Fungi 605
30 Microbiomes: Microbial Systems On and Around Us 622
31 Plants and the Conquest of Land 641
32 The Evolution and Diversity of Modern Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 664
33 An Introduction to Animal Diversity 686
34 The Invertebrates 701
35 The Vertebrates 734
Unit VI Flowering Plants 759
36 An Introduction to Flowering Plant Form and Function 760
37 Flowering Plants: Behavior 782
38 Flowering Plants: Nutrition 801
39 Flowering Plants: Transport 818
40 Flowering Plants: Reproduction 839
Unit VII Animals 858
41 Animal Bodies and Homeostasis 859
42 Neuroscience I: Cells of the Nervous System 881
43 Neuroscience II: Evolution, Structure, and Function of the Nervous System 904
44 Neuroscience III: Sensory Systems 925
45 Muscular-Skeletal Systems and Locomotion 951
46 Nutrition and Animal Digestive Systems 970
47 Control of Energy Balance, Metabolic Rate, and Body Temperature 991
48 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems 1010
49 Excretory Systems 1043
50 Endocrine Systems 1058
51 Animal Reproduction and Development 1084
52 Immune Systems 1108
53 Integrated Responses of Animal Organ Systems to a Challenge to Homeostasis 1131
Unit VIII Ecology 1148
54 An Introduction to Ecology and Biomes 1149
55 Behavioral Ecology 1180
56 Population Ecology 1201
57 Species Interactions 1217
58 Communities and Ecosystems: Ecological Organization at Large Scales 1236
59 The Age of Humans 1257
60 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology 1280
Appendix A: Periodic Table of the Elements A-l

Appendix B: Answer Key A-2

Glossary G-l

Index 1-1


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1. Школьникам - учебники

2. ОГЭ - биология

3. ЕГЭ - биология

4. Biology.



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