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JavaScript for Kids. Morgan N.

No Starch Press, 2014. — 338 p.
JavaScript is the programming
language of the Internet, the secret sauce that makes the Web awesome, your
favorite sites interactive, and online games fun! JavaScript for Kids is a
lighthearted introduction that teaches programming essentials through patient,
step-by-step examples paired with funny illustrations. You'll begin with the
basics, like working with strings, arrays, and loops, and then move on to more
advanced topics, like building interactivity with jQuery and drawing graphics
with Canvas. Along the way, you'll write games such as Find the Buried Treasure,
Hangman, and Snake.
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Russian language: JavaScript
для детей. Самоучитель по программированию. Морган Н.
(2016, 288с.)
Acknowledgments xxi
Introduction xxiii
Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript? 3
Chapter 2: Data Types and Variables 13
Chapter 3: Arrays 39
Chapter 4: Objects 63
Chapter 5: The Basics of HTML 77
Chapter 6: Conditionals and Loops 89
Chapter 7: Creating a Hangman Game 105
Chapter 8: Functions 123
Chapter 9: The DOM and jQuery 143
Chapter 10: Interactive Programming 155
Chapter 11: Find the Buried Treasure! 167
Chapter 12: Object-Oriented Programming 181
Chapter 13: The canvas Element 199
Chapter 14: Making Things Move on the Canvas 217
Chapter 15: Controlling Animations with the Keyboard 235
Chapter 16: Making a Snake Game: Part 1 251
Chapter 17: Making a Snake Game: Part 2 267
Afterword: Where to Go from Here 293
Glossary 299
Index 305
Welcome to JavaScript for Kids\ In this book, you'll learn to program with
JavaScript, the language of the Web. But more than that, you'll become a
programmer—someone who not only uses computers but also controls them. Once you
learn to program, you can bend computers to your will and make them do whatever
you want!
JavaScript is a great programming language to learn because it's used
everywhere. Web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer all use
JavaScript. With the power of JavaScript, web programmers can transform web
pages from simple docu¬ments into full-blown interactive applications and games.
But you're not limited to building web pages. JavaScript can run on web servers
to create whole websites and can even be used to control robots and other
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и др."