Английский язык
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Английский язык. 8 класс. Книга для чтения.
Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. и др.

21-е изд. - М.: 2019 -
111 с.
Книга для чтения является составной частью
учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» для учащихся 8 класса
общеобразовательных организаций. В книге для чтения представлены материалы для
чтения в классе и самостоятельного чтения дома. Она содержит короткие рассказы,
отрывки из произведений популярной детской литературы, письма, стихи, тексты,
отвечающие возрастным особенностям учащихся. Тексты сопровождаются
разнообразными упражнениями для развития умения читать.
Формат: pdf
23,9 Мб
Смотреть, скачать: drive.google
Unit 1
My Country at a Glance 5
Unit 2
Is Your Country a Land of Traditions? 16
Unit 3
Do You Like Travelling? 27
Unit 4
Are You a Good Sport? 39
Unit 5
A Healthy Living Guide 52
Unit 6
Changing Times, Changing Styles 64
Linguistic and Cultural Guide 76
Vocabulary 84
List of Names 106
Irregular Verbs 108
List of Reading Skills 110
My Country at a Glance
1. Below is an article about the languages spoken in the UK.
1) Read through the article and fill in the table, (reading for specific
information; making notes)
English is the main language spoken in the British Isles, including Ireland.
There are few people who do not speak it as their first language, in fact, over
95% of the British population are monolingual English speakers. In Wales, only
about 21% of the population speak Welsh (a Celtic* language) as their first
language, though nearly all of them also speak perfect English. The study of
Welsh is now compulsory in many primary and secondary schools. Television and
radio services in Wales give about half their time to Welsh language programmes.
Most public signs are in Welsh as well as in English.
In Scotland about 2% of the population speak Gaelic, another Celtic language.
Scots is spoken by 30% of the Scottish population. In Northern Ireland about 5%
of the population speak Irish Gaelic. There are also large numbers of community
languages, brought into the UK by immigrant communities, which account for more
than 5% of the population. Community languages include Bengali, Polish, Greek,
Arabic, Portuguese, German, Hebrew, Korean, Italian and others. Many immigrants
are bilingual. Many Indians, for example, speak both Hindi and English; many
Chinese speak both Chinese and English. Many Turks speak English and Turkish.
О том, как читать книги в форматах
- см. раздел "Программы; архиваторы; форматы
pdf, djvu
и др."